Project Name: Supply and Delivery of ICT EQUIPMENT | ||||||||||||
Description: References: References to the Act are to the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act [Chapter 22:23] and references to the Regulations are to the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets (General) Regulations (Statutory Instrument No. 5 of 2018). The terms and requirements in the Act and Regulations govern the submission of Bids and should be read by all Bidders. Procurement Reference Number: PRAZ/DOM/02/2023
Preparation of Bids You are requested to bid for the supply of the goods specified in the Statement of Requirements below, by completing and returning the following documentation: Preparation of Bids You are requested to bid for the supply of the goods specified in the Statement of Requirements below, by completing and returning the following documentation:
You are advised to carefully read the complete Bidding Document, as well as the General Conditions of Contract which are available on the Authority’s website, before preparing your Bid. Part 3: Contract is provided not for completion at this stage but to enable Bidders to note the Contract terms they will enter into if their Bid is successful.
The standard forms in this document may be retyped for completion but the Bidder is responsible for their accurate reproduction. All pages of the Bid must be clearly marked with the Procurement Reference Number above and the Bidder’s name and any reference number. Lots and Packages This tender is divided into lots and packages and there shall not be lot Limitations. Number of bids allowed No Bidder may submit more than one bid, either individually or as a joint venture partner in another Bid, except as a subcontractor. Where the procurement is divided into lots and packages, only one Bid can be submitted. A conflict of interest will be deemed to arise if bids are received from more than one Bidder owned, directly or indirectly, by the same person.
Clarification Clarification of the bidding document may be requested in writing by any Bidder before 12 May 2023 and should be sent to The Procurement Management Unit at PRAZ in writing or by email to
There shall not be any pre-bid meeting on this tender.
Validity of Bids The minimum period for which the Bidder’s bid must remain valid is at least 60 (sixty) days from the deadline for the submission of bids. Bid Validity of 60 days or more must be stated. Bidders may be requested to extend the Bid Validity in terms of Section 43 (5) of the PPDPA Act.
Submission of Bids Bids must be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope to the address below, no later than the date and time of the deadline below. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ensure that they receive a receipt confirming the submission of their bid that has the correct details of the Bidder and the number of the Bid. The Bidder must mark the envelope with the Bidder’s name and address and the Procurement Reference Number.
[Bidders must submit at least 2 copies of their Bid. The Bidder must prepare one original of the documents comprising the Bid and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL.” And in addition, state the number of copies of the Bid, which must be clearly marked “COPY.” In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original will prevail].
Late bids will be rejected. The Procuring Entity reserves the right to extend the bid submission deadline but will notify all potential bidders who have collected the bidding documents of the amended bid submission deadline.
Bid opening Bidders and their representatives may witness the opening of bids, which will take place at the submission address immediately following the deadline. Withdrawal, amendment or modification of Bids A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Bid after it has been submitted by sending a written notice, duly signed by an authorized representative. However, no Bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bids and the expiration of the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder or any extension of that period. Delivery Requirements The delivery period required (from the date of contract signing) and the final destination for delivery are as indicated in the Delivery Schedule in Part 2.
Bid Prices and Discounts The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bid Submission Form and in the Price Schedules must conform to the requirements specified below. Prices must be quoted as specified in the Price Schedule included in Part 2 Statement of Requirements. In quoting prices, the Bidder is free to use transportation through carriers registered in any eligible country and similarly may obtain insurance services from any eligible country. Prices quoted must include the following costs and components:
the price of each item comprising the Related Services (inclusive of any applicable taxes).
Bid Security Bidders must submit a refundable Bid Security of USD1000.00, valid for 60 days, together with their bid in line with Section 26 of the Procurement Regulations (S.I.5 of 2018). The Bid Security shall be payable using any one of the below options: - Option 1 ----------------------- A Certified Bank Cheque Option 2 ----------------------- A Bank Guarantee Option 3 ----------------------- A Cash Deposit to the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe
If Option 3 is chosen bidders must also submit proof of payment (downloaded from the portal) of USD150.00 to PRAZ for a non-refundable cash bid bond establishment fee in line with Part V of the PPDPA (General) Regulations (S.I.5 of 2018), as amended.
Any bid not accompanied by a Bid Security, where this is a requirement of bidding, will be rejected by the Procuring Entity as non-responsive. The Bid Security of a Joint Venture (JV) must be in the name of the JV that submits the Bid. If the JV has not been legally constituted at the time of bidding, the Bid Security must be in the names of all intended partners.
Please note: Bid bond establishment fees are paid into a non-refundable account whereas Bid security fees are paid into a refundable account.
Evaluation of Bids Bids will be evaluated using the following methodology:
Bids failing any stage will be eliminated and not considered in subsequent stages. Review by the Special Procurement Oversight Committee Section 54 of the Act provides for review by the Special Procurement Oversight Committee for certain especially sensitive or especially valuable contracts. [This tender shall not be subject to review by the Special Procurement Oversight Committee.]
Evaluation criteria The Procuring Entity’s evaluation of a Bid will take into account, in addition to the Bid Price, the following criteria and methodologies.
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Bidders are required to meet the criteria in section 28 of the Act to be eligible to participate in public procurement and to be qualified for the proposed contract. They must therefore provide any available documentation and certify their eligibility in the Bid Submission Sheet. To be eligible, Bidders must submit the following: Procurement Reference Number: PRAZ/DOM/02/2023
Origin of Goods All goods and related services must have as their country of origin an eligible country, as specified in the Special Conditions of Contract. Technical Criteria The Technical Specifications Sheet details the minimum specification of the goods required. The goods offered must meet this specification, but no credit will be given for exceeding the specification. Currency Bids should be priced in United States Dollars (US$). The Currency of Payment shall be Zimbabwean Dollars (ZWL) at the prevailing interbank rate at the time of payment.
Award of Contract The lowest evaluated bid, after application of any additional evaluation criteria, including any margin of preference, which is substantially responsive to the requirements of this bidding document, will be recommended for award of contract. The proposed award of contract will be by issue of a Notification of Contract Award in terms of section 55 of the Act which will be effective until signature of the contract documents in accordance with Part 3: Contract. Unsuccessful Bidders will receive the Notification of Contract Award and, if they consider they have suffered prejudice from the process, they may within 14 days of receiving this Notification, submit to the Procuring Entity a Challenge in terms of section 73 of the Act, subject to payment of the applicable fee set out in section 44 of and the Third Schedule to the Regulations.
Right to Reject The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bids or to cancel the procurement process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award.
Corrupt Practices The Government of Zimbabwe requires that Procuring Entities, as well as Bidders and Contractors, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of contracts. In pursuit of this policy:
Item No. | UNSPSC | Lot Name | Lot Description | Quantity | Unit of Measure |
1 | 43211522 | Laptops | Laptops | 6 | Each |
2 | 43211524 | Switches | Switches | 10 | Each |
3 | 43211525 | Apple iPads | Apple iPads | 4 | Each |
4 | 43211526 | Server | Server | 1 | Each |
5 | 14111507 | Printer or copier paper | Printer or copier paper | 3 | Each |
6 | 43211528 | Supply and installation of call center system | Supply and installation of call center system | 1 | Each |
7 | 43211529 | UPS | UPS | 1 | Each |
8 | 43211530 | Network Monitoring System and Help Desk Software | Network Monitoring System and Help Desk Software | 1 | Each |